comedy 2M, 2F setting: a military dugout period: present 35min
Jim (calm, unflappable, young);
Kylie (robust, tough, young);
Yvonne (quiet, young);
Capt Steele (officer, older)
No specific dialect
Outside, the sound of battle and incessant rain. Inside the dugout, a curiously motley squad; Kylie, foul of mouth and intimidating in manner, who makes Arnold Schwarzenegger look effeminate; Yvonne, wet and cold, who discovers too late that she hates guns and would rather be in an office processing G70 applications; Jim, bustling round oblivious making sandwiches and tea; and Capt Steele, whose leadership style is more Dad’s Army than General Rommel. They are in trouble – the enemy is closing fast, they have lost their driver, and are bogged down and trapped by the rain. Tempers fray, and various personal revelations do nothing to ease the tension. Then disaster strikes, and an unexpected hero emerges to save the situation.
April 2008 – Runner-up in SCDA Scott Salver award for best new one-act playPremiered by Leitheatre, 2008
“a good, lively play with twist upon twist” Arran Voice
Click here to get a downloadable PDF extract from the full script. You can see a performance of the play here:
For full reading copies or details of performing rights, contact me for details. Please note that permission must always be obtained beforehand.